How to hide one specific cell (input or output) in IPython Notebook?

This is now built into nbconvert (as of 5.3.0) using tags.

Here’s an example removing a specific cell from the output. Using this notebook. The example has three cells: a markdown cell, a code cell that will be hidden, and a code cell that will not be hidden.

  1. Add the remove_cell tag to any cells you want to hide using the tag editor built into the notebook or JupyterLab (the specific name “remove_cell” doesn’t matter)
  2. Convert with nbconvert
jupyter nbconvert nbconvert-example.ipynb --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags="{"remove_cell"}"

Any cells with the tag remove_cell will be removed from the output.


In addition to entire cells, you can filter just inputs or just outputs:

  • TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_input_tags
  • TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_single_output_tags
  • TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_all_outputs_tags

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