How to implement didReceiveMemoryWarning?

One example i am posting…which i have copied from somwhere… it might give you some idea…

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {

    // Release anything that's not essential, such as cached data (meaning
    // instance variables, and what else...?)

    // Obviously can't access local variables such as defined in method
    // loadView, so can't release them here We can set some instance variables
    // as nil, rather than call the release method on them, if we have defined
    // setters that retain nil and release their old values (such as through use
    // of @synthesize). This can be a better approach than using the release
    // method, because this prevents a variable from pointing to random remnant
    // data.  Note in contrast, that setting a variable directly (using "=" and
    // not using the setter), would result in a memory leak.
    self.myStringB = nil;
    self.myStringD = nil;
    [myStringA release];// No setter defined - must release it this way
    [myStringC release];// No setter defined - must release it this way

    /* 3. MUST CONFIRM: NOT necessary to release outlets here - See override of
       setView instead.
    self.labelA = nil;
    self.imageViewA = nil;
    self.subViewA = nil;
    // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];

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