How to insert a very large number of records into a MySql database as fast as possible

There are a number of ways to optimize bulk inserts. Some are:

  • LOAD DATA INFILE. There is a wrapper API for .NET. This is the fastest way, but has some limitations and semantic differences from simple inserts.

  • Multiple-row INSERT statements:

    INSERT INTO temperature (temperature) VALUES (1.0), (2.0), (3.0), ...

    You should not insert 20.000.000 rows at once, but may want to try 1.000-10.000 for a very large speed-up. This is a simple and very unproblematic way to increase speed. A factor of 10 and sometimes way more is often possible.

  • Locking the table (LOCK TABLES).

  • Disabling indexes temporarily.

  • MySQL options tuning.

  • INSERT DELAYED (most likely not that useful here).

The documentation does give you more elaborate detail on the options. Some options depend on the table type (InnoDB vs. MyISAM).

A general suggestion: Always specify the columns that you insert in front of VALUES. This makes for more maintainable code.

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