How to integrate Flask & Scrapy?

Adding HTTP server in front of your spiders is not that easy. There are couple of options.

1. Python subprocess

If you are really limited to Flask, if you can’t use anything else, only way to integrate Scrapy with Flask is by launching external process for every spider crawl as other answer recommends (note that your subprocess needs to be spawned in proper Scrapy project directory).

Directory structure for all examples should look like this, I’m using dirbot test project

> tree -L 1                                                                                                                                                              

├── dirbot
├── README.rst
├── scrapy.cfg

Here’s code sample to launch Scrapy in new process:

import subprocess

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    Run spider in another process and store items in file. Simply issue command:

    > scrapy crawl dmoz -o "output.json"

    wait for  this command to finish, and read output.json to client.
    spider_name = "dmoz"
    subprocess.check_output(['scrapy', 'crawl', spider_name, "-o", "output.json"])
    with open("output.json") as items_file:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save above as and visit localhost:5000, you should be able to see items scraped.

2. Twisted-Klein + Scrapy

Other, better way is using some existing project that integrates Twisted with Werkzeug and displays API similar to Flask, e.g. Twisted-Klein. Twisted-Klein would allow you to run your spiders asynchronously in same process as your web server. It’s better in that it won’t block on every request and it allows you to simply return Scrapy/Twisted deferreds from HTTP route request handler.

Following snippet integrates Twisted-Klein with Scrapy, note that you need to create your own base class of CrawlerRunner so that crawler will collect items and return them to caller. This option is bit more advanced, you’re running Scrapy spiders in same process as Python server, items are not stored in file but stored in memory (so there is no disk writing/reading as in previous example). Most important thing is that it’s asynchronous and it’s all running in one Twisted reactor.

import json

from klein import route, run
from scrapy import signals
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerRunner

from dirbot.spiders.dmoz import DmozSpider

class MyCrawlerRunner(CrawlerRunner):
    Crawler object that collects items and returns output after finishing crawl.
    def crawl(self, crawler_or_spidercls, *args, **kwargs):
        # keep all items scraped
        self.items = []

        # create crawler (Same as in base CrawlerProcess)
        crawler = self.create_crawler(crawler_or_spidercls)

        # handle each item scraped
        crawler.signals.connect(self.item_scraped, signals.item_scraped)

        # create Twisted.Deferred launching crawl
        dfd = self._crawl(crawler, *args, **kwargs)

        # add callback - when crawl is done cal return_items
        return dfd

    def item_scraped(self, item, response, spider):

    def return_items(self, result):
        return self.items

def return_spider_output(output):
    :param output: items scraped by CrawlerRunner
    :return: json with list of items
    # this just turns items into dictionaries
    # you may want to use Scrapy JSON serializer here
    return json.dumps([dict(item) for item in output])

def schedule(request):
    runner = MyCrawlerRunner()
    spider = DmozSpider()
    deferred = runner.crawl(spider)
    return deferred

run("localhost", 8080)

Save above in file and locate it in your Scrapy project directory,
now open localhost:8080, it will launch dmoz spider and return items scraped as json to browser.

3. ScrapyRT

There are some problems arising when you try to add HTTP app in front of your spiders. For example you need to handle spider logs sometimes (you may need them in some cases), you need to handle spider exceptions somehow etc. There are projects that allow you to add HTTP API to spiders in an easier way, e.g. ScrapyRT. This is an app that adds HTTP server to your Scrapy spiders and handles all the problems for you (e.g. handling logging, handling spider errors etc).

So after installing ScrapyRT you only need to do:

> scrapyrt 

in your Scrapy project directory, and it will launch HTTP server listening for requests for you. You then visit http://localhost:9080/crawl.json?spider_name=dmoz&url= and it should launch your spider for you crawling url given.

Disclaimer: I’m one of the authors of ScrapyRt.

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