How to make a parametrized SQL Query on Classic ASP?

Use the adodb.command object.

with createobject("adodb.command")
    .activeConnection = application("connectionstring")
    .commandText = "select * from sometable where id=?"
    set rs = .execute( ,array(123))
end with

I would also advise to use a custom db access object instead of using adodb directly. This allows you to build a nicer api, improves testability and add hooks for debuging/logging/profiling. Secondly you can add request scoped transactions with implicit rollback’s on errors using the class_terminiate event. Oure db access object offers the following query api

call db.execute("update some_table set column=? where id=?", array(value, id))
set rs = db.fetch_rs("select * from some_table where id=?", array(id))
count = db.fetch_scalar("select count(*) from some_table where column > ?", array(value))

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