How to move the cursor or simulate clicks for other applications?

You’ve inspired me to refactor some of my automation code:

NativeMethods.cs – got most of this from online:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class NativeMethods
   [DllImport( "user32.dll", SetLastError = true )]
   internal static extern Int32 SendInput( Int32 cInputs, ref INPUT pInputs, Int32 cbSize );

   [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1, Size = 28 )]
   internal struct INPUT
      [FieldOffset( 0 )] public InputType dwType;
      [FieldOffset( 4 )] public MOUSEINPUT mi;
      [FieldOffset( 4 )] public KEYBDINPUT ki;
      [FieldOffset( 4 )] public HARDWAREINPUT hi;

   [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1 )]
   internal struct MOUSEINPUT
      public Int32 dx;
      public Int32 dy;
      public Int32 mouseData;
      public MOUSEEVENTF dwFlags;
      public Int32 time;
      public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;

   [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1 )]
   internal struct KEYBDINPUT
      public Int16 wVk;
      public Int16 wScan;
      public KEYEVENTF dwFlags;
      public Int32 time;
      public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;

   [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1 )]
   internal struct HARDWAREINPUT
      public Int32 uMsg;
      public Int16 wParamL;
      public Int16 wParamH;

   internal enum InputType : int
      Mouse = 0,
      Keyboard = 1,
      Hardware = 2

   internal enum MOUSEEVENTF : int
      MOVE = 0x1,
      LEFTDOWN = 0x2,
      LEFTUP = 0x4,
      RIGHTDOWN = 0x8,
      RIGHTUP = 0x10,
      MIDDLEDOWN = 0x20,
      MIDDLEUP = 0x40,
      XDOWN = 0x80,
      XUP = 0x100,
      VIRTUALDESK = 0x400,
      WHEEL = 0x800,
      ABSOLUTE = 0x8000

   public enum KEYEVENTF : int
      EXTENDEDKEY = 1,
      KEYUP = 2,
      UNICODE = 4,
      SCANCODE = 8

   /// <summary>The MapVirtualKey function translates (maps) a virtual-key code into a scan
   /// code or character value, or translates a scan code into a virtual-key code
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="uCode">[in] Specifies the virtual-key code or scan code for a key.
   /// How this value is interpreted depends on the value of the uMapType parameter</param>
   /// <param name="uMapType">[in] Specifies the translation to perform. The value of this
   /// parameter depends on the value of the uCode parameter.</param>
   /// <returns>Either a scan code, a virtual-key code, or a character value, depending on
   /// the value of uCode and uMapType. If there is no translation, the return value is zero</returns>
   /// <remarks></remarks>
   [DllImport( "User32.dll", SetLastError = false, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   public static extern UInt32 MapVirtualKey( UInt32 uCode, MapVirtualKeyMapTypes uMapType );

   /// <summary>The set of valid MapTypes used in MapVirtualKey
   /// </summary>
   /// <remarks></remarks>
   public enum MapVirtualKeyMapTypes : uint
      /// <summary>uCode is a virtual-key code and is translated into a scan code.
      /// If it is a virtual-key code that does not distinguish between left- and
      /// right-hand keys, the left-hand scan code is returned.
      /// If there is no translation, the function returns 0.
      /// </summary>
      /// <remarks></remarks>
      MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC = 0x0,

      /// <summary>uCode is a scan code and is translated into a virtual-key code that
      /// does not distinguish between left- and right-hand keys. If there is no
      /// translation, the function returns 0.
      /// </summary>
      /// <remarks></remarks>
      MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK = 0x1,

      /// <summary>uCode is a virtual-key code and is translated into an unshifted
      /// character value in the low-order word of the return value. Dead keys (diacritics)
      /// are indicated by setting the top bit of the return value. If there is no
      /// translation, the function returns 0.
      /// </summary>
      /// <remarks></remarks>
      MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR = 0x2,

      /// <summary>Windows NT/2000/XP: uCode is a scan code and is translated into a
      /// virtual-key code that distinguishes between left- and right-hand keys. If
      /// there is no translation, the function returns 0.
      /// </summary>
      /// <remarks></remarks>
      MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX = 0x3,

      /// <summary>Not currently documented
      /// </summary>
      /// <remarks></remarks>
      MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC_EX = 0x4



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SendInput
   public class MouseInput
      public static void LeftClick()
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.LEFTDOWN, new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 0 ) );
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.LEFTUP, new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 0 ) );

      public static void LeftClick( int x, int y )
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.MOVE | NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.ABSOLUTE, new System.Drawing.Point( x, y ) );
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.LEFTDOWN, new System.Drawing.Point( x, y ) );
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.LEFTUP, new System.Drawing.Point( x, y ) );

      public static void ClickBoundingRectangleByPercentage( int xPercentage, int yPercentage, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds )
         double additional = 0.0;
         if ( xPercentage == 99 )
            additional = 0.5;
         int xPixel = Convert.ToInt32( bounds.Left + bounds.Width * ( xPercentage + additional ) / 100 );
         int yPixel = Convert.ToInt32( bounds.Top + bounds.Height * ( yPercentage ) / 100 );
         LeftClick( xPixel, yPixel );

      public static void RightClick()
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.RIGHTDOWN, new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 0 ) );
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.RIGHTUP, new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 0 ) );

      public static void RightClick( int x, int y )
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.MOVE | NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.ABSOLUTE, new System.Drawing.Point( x, y ) );
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.RIGHTDOWN, new System.Drawing.Point( x, y ) );
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.RIGHTUP, new System.Drawing.Point( x, y ) );

      public static void MoveMouse( Point p )
         MoveMouse( p.X, p.Y );

      public static void MoveMouse( System.Windows.Point p )
         MoveMouse( Convert.ToInt32( p.X ), Convert.ToInt32( p.Y ) );

      public static void MoveMouse( int x, int y )
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.MOVE | NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.ABSOLUTE, new System.Drawing.Point( x, y ) );

      public static System.Drawing.Point GetMousePosition()
         return Cursor.Position;

      public static void ScrollWheel( int scrollSize )
         DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF.WHEEL, new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 0 ), scrollSize );

      private static void DoMouse( NativeMethods.MOUSEEVENTF flags, Point newPoint, int scrollSize = 0 )
         NativeMethods.INPUT input = new NativeMethods.INPUT();
         NativeMethods.MOUSEINPUT mi = new NativeMethods.MOUSEINPUT();
         input.dwType = NativeMethods.InputType.Mouse;
         input.mi = mi;
         input.mi.dwExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
         // mouse co-ords: top left is (0,0), bottom right is (65535, 65535)
         // convert screen co-ord to mouse co-ords...
         input.mi.dx = newPoint.X * 65535 / Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
         input.mi.dy = newPoint.Y * 65535 / Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
         input.mi.time = 0;
         input.mi.mouseData = scrollSize * 120;
         // can be used for WHEEL event see msdn
         input.mi.dwFlags = flags;
         int cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof ( NativeMethods.INPUT ) );
         int result = NativeMethods.SendInput( 1, ref input, cbSize );
         if ( result == 0 )
            Debug.WriteLine( Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() );

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