How to pass results between chained observables

You certainly shouldn’t have your methods take in params that don’t concern them!

To your main question:

How to pass results between chained observables without the problems i’ve mentioned?

Use a single scope (nested pipes)

The code below is equivalent to your sample code, with no need to pass the unnecessary properties. The previously returned values are accessible by function calls further down the chain:

1   startUploadEvent$.pipe(
2     concatMap(event => getAuthenticationHeaders(event).pipe(
3       map(headers => generateUploadId(event, headers).pipe(
4         tap(id => emitUploadStartEvent(id, event)),
5         concatMap(id => createPdfDocument(event, headers, id)),
6         concatMap(pdfId => uploadBilderForPdf(event, pdfId)),
7         tap(cloudId => closePdf(cloudId, event))
8       ))
9     ))
10  ).subscribe();

Notice how event and headers are accessible downstream. They do not need to be passed into functions that don’t require them.

Is there a rxjs concept i’ve missed?

Maybe.? Not really… 🙂

The trick is to tack on a .pipe to effectively group operators so they all have access to the input params.

Usually, we try to keep the code flat inside the .pipe:

1   const greeting$ = userId$.pipe(
2     switchMap(id => http.get(`/users/${id}`)),
3     map(response =>,
4     map(name => `Hello ${name}!`),
5     tap(greeting => console.log(greeting))
6   );

but that code is really no different than:

1   const greeting$ = userId$.pipe(
2     switchMap(id => http.get(`/users/${id}`).pipe(
3       map(response =>,
4       map(name => `Hello ${name}! (aka User #${id})`)
5     )),
6     tap(greeting => console.log(greeting))
7   );

But, in the second case, line #4 has access to the name and the id, whereas in the first case it only has access to name.

Notice the signature of the first is userId$.pipe(switchMap(), map(), map(), tap())

The second is: userId$.pipe(switchMap(), tap()).

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