How to pass selected, named arguments to Jinja2’s include context?

Jinja2 has an extension that enables the with keyword – it won’t give you the same syntax as Django, and it may not work the way you anticipate but you could do this:

{% with articles=articles_list1 %}
    {% include "list.html" %}
{% endwith %}
{% with articles=articles_list2 %}
    {% include "list.html" %}
{% endwith %}

However, if list.html is basically just functioning as a way to create a list then you might want to change it to a macro instead – this will give you much more flexibility.

{% macro build_list(articles) %}
        {% for art in articles %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{# And you call it thusly #}
{{ build_list(articles_list1) }}
{{ build_list(articles_list2) }}

To use this macro from another template, import it:

{% from "build_list_macro_def.html" import build_list %}

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