How to perform grouped ranking in MySQL

SELECT id_student, id_class, grade,
   @student:=CASE WHEN @class <> id_class THEN 0 ELSE @student+1 END AS rn,
   @class:=id_class AS clset
  (SELECT @student:= -1) s,
  (SELECT @class:= -1) c,
   FROM mytable
   ORDER BY id_class, id_student
  ) t

This works in a very plain way:

  1. Initial query is ordered by id_class first, id_student second.
  2. @student and @class are initialized to -1
  3. @class is used to test if the next set is entered. If the previous value of the id_class (which is stored in @class) is not equal to the current value (which is stored in id_class), the @student is zeroed. Otherwise is is incremented.
  4. @class is assigned with the new value of id_class, and it will be used in test on step 3 at the next row.

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