How to process huge text files that contain EOF / Ctrl-Z characters using Python on Windows?

It’s easy to use Python to delete the DOS EOF chars; for example,

def delete_eof(fin, fout):
    BUFSIZE = 2**15
    EOFCHAR = chr(26)
    data =
    while data:
        fout.write(data.translate(None, EOFCHAR))
        data =

import sys
ipath = sys.argv[1]
opath = ipath + ".new"
with open(ipath, "rb") as fin, open(opath, "wb") as fout:
    delete_eof(fin, fout)

That takes a file path as its first argument, and copies the file but without chr(26) bytes to the same file path with .new appended. Fiddle to taste.

By the way, are you sure that DOS EOF characters are your only problem? It’s hard to conceive of a sane way in which they could end up in files intended to be treated as text files.

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