how to provide a swap function for my class?

  1. is the proper use of swap. Write it this way when you write “library” code and want to enable ADL (argument-dependent lookup) on swap. Also, this has nothing to do with SFINAE.
// some algorithm in your code
template<class T>
void foo(T& lhs, T& rhs) {
    using std::swap; // enable 'std::swap' to be found
                    // if no other 'swap' is found through ADL
    // some code ...
    swap(lhs, rhs); // unqualified call, uses ADL and finds a fitting 'swap'
                    // or falls back on 'std::swap'
    // more code ...
  1. Here is the proper way to provide a swap function for your class:
namespace Foo {

class Bar{}; // dummy

void swap(Bar& lhs, Bar& rhs) {
    // ...


If swap is now used as shown in 1), your function will be found. Also, you may make that function a friend if you absolutely need to, or provide a member swap that is called by the free function:

// version 1
class Bar{
    friend void swap(Bar& lhs, Bar& rhs) {
    // ....

// version 2
class Bar{
    void swap(Bar& other) {
    // ...

void swap(Bar& lhs, Bar& rhs) {

  1. You mean an explicit specialization. Partial is still something else and also not possible for functions, only structs / classes. As such, since you can’t specialize std::swap for template classes, you have to provide a free function in your namespace. Not a bad thing, if I may say so. Now, an explicit specialization is also possible, but generally you do not want to specialize a function template:
namespace std
{  // only allowed to extend namespace std with specializations

template<> // specialization
void swap<Bar>(Bar& lhs, Bar& rhs) noexcept {
    // ...

  1. No, as 1) is distinct from 2) and 3). Also, having both 2) and 3) will lead to always having 2) picked, because it fits better.

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