How to read a properties files and use the values in project Gradle script?

If using the default file, you can access the properties directly from within your build.gradle file:

projectName=Hello Cool


task printProps {
    doFirst {
        println applicationName
        println projectName

If you need to access a custom file, or access properties which include . in them (as it appears you need to do), you can do the following in your build.gradle file:

def props = new Properties()
file("").withInputStream { props.load(it) }

task printProps {
    doFirst {
        println props.getProperty("")
        println props.getProperty("")

Take a look at this section of the Gradle documentation for more information.


If you’d like to dynamically set up some of these properties (as mentioned in a comment below), you can create a properties.gradle file (the name isn’t important) and require it in your build.gradle script.


ext {
    subPath = "some/sub/directory"
    fullPath = "$projectDir/$subPath"


apply from: 'properties.gradle'

// prints the full expanded path
println fullPath

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