How to remove big (>100MB) file from a GitHub repository and push successfully?

Even though you have removed the file in the latest commit you still have a copy of it in your history. I think you’re going to want to remove it from git completely.

You’ll probably want to rebase it out. To find out when you introduced it you could do:

git log --reverse -n1 doc/image.eps

Then copy the SHA it gives you and do an interactive rebase:

git rebase -i sha~1

Keep the ~1 in the above command, but replace the sha with the actual SHA from the earlier command output. If the above command doesn’t work you may need to set an EDITOR, e.g.:

EDITOR=vim git rebase -i sha~1

Replace vim with any command line editor you’re comfortable with (emacs, nano, etc). You can get it to work with GUI editors like atom but you may need to pass in additional arguments to force the process to wait until you close the window. If you use atom you could run:

EDITOR="atom --wait" git rebase -i sha~1

This is going to take you way back in time. The very first line is going to have pick. You’ll want to change that to an edit. Then save, and exit your editor. Do not change any other picks.

This will put you back at the commit that introduced the large file. You can now remove it from git:

git rm doc/image.eps && git commit --amend

Then continue the rebase:

git rebase --continue

If this goes all the way to completion, then you’re done. You should be able to git push. However, if it doesn’t, then you may have updated the image in a later commit. You’ll want do the same git rm doc/image.eps && git commit --amend && git rebase --continue that we did above every time it stops.

I’m assuming quite a few things so I hope you’re comfortable enough with git, editors, and the command line to use this information.

P.S. there is likely a much shorter and more succinct way to do this, but since you’re asking this question I’m assuming you don’t want a magical git command that will rip thru your history on its own. So first, let’s try it step by step.

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