How to remove numbers from string terms in a pandas dataframe

You can apply str.replace to the Name column in combination with regular expressions:

import pandas as pd

# Example DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Name'  : ['May21', 'James', 'Adi22', 'Hello', 'Girl90'],
                             'Volume': [23, 12, 11, 34, 56],
                             'Value' : [21321, 12311, 4435, 32454, 654654]})

df['Name'] = df['Name'].str.replace('\d+', '')



    Name   Value  Volume
0    May   21321      23
1  James   12311      12
2    Adi    4435      11
3  Hello   32454      34
4   Girl  654654      56

In the regular expression \d stands for “any digit” and + stands for “one or more”.

Thus, str.replace('\d+', '') means: “Replace all occurring digits in the strings with nothing”.

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