How to sign an android apk file

The manual is clear enough. Please specify what part you get stuck with after you work through it, I’d suggest:

Okay, a small overview without reference or eclipse around, so leave some space for errors, but it works like this

  • Open your project in eclipse
  • Press right-mouse – > tools (android tools?) – > export signed application (apk?)
  • Go through the wizard:
  • Make a new key-store. remember that password
  • Sign your app
  • Save it etc.

Also, from the link:

Compile and sign with Eclipse ADT

If you are using Eclipse with the ADT
plugin, you can use the Export Wizard
to export a signed .apk (and even
create a new keystore, if necessary).
The Export Wizard performs all the
interaction with the Keytool and
Jarsigner for you, which allows you to
sign the package using a GUI instead
of performing the manual procedures to
compile, sign, and align, as discussed
above. Once the wizard has compiled
and signed your package, it will also
perform package alignment with
zip align. Because the Export Wizard
uses both Keytool and Jarsigner, you
should ensure that they are accessible
on your computer, as described above
in the Basic Setup for Signing.

To create a signed and aligned .apk in

  1. Select the project in the Package Explorer and select File >
  2. Open the Android folder, select Export Android Application, and click

    The Export Android Application wizard now starts, which will guide
    you through the process of signing
    your application, including steps for
    selecting the private key with which
    to sign the .apk (or creating a new
    keystore and private key).

  3. Complete the Export Wizard and your application will be compiled,
    signed, aligned, and ready for

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