How to suppress py.test internal deprecation warnings

I think you do not want to hide all warnings, but just the ones that are not relevant. And in this case, deprectation warnings from imported python modules.

Having a read on pytest documentation about Warnings Capture:

Both -W command-line option and filterwarnings ini option are based on Python’s own -W option and warnings.simplefilter, so please refer to those sections in the Python documentation for other examples and advanced usage.

So you can filter warnings with python’s -W option!

It seems that pytest completely removes filters, because it shows all those DeprecationWarning when running, and Python’s documentation about Default Warning Filters clearly says:

In regular release builds, the default warning filter has the
following entries (in order of precedence):


So in your case, if you want let say to filter types of warning you want to ignore, such as those DeprecationWarning, just run the pytest command with -W option :

$ pytest path-to-test-folder -W ignore::DeprecationWarning

EDIT: From colini‘s comment, it is possible to filter by module. Example to ignore deprecation warnings from all sqlalchemy :


You can then list your installed modules that creates too much noise in the output of pytest

Use with file rather than in command line:

You may prefer list those filters in pytest.ini file :

filterwarnings =

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