How to use > in an xargs command?

Do not make the mistake of doing this:

sh -c "grep ABC {} > {}.out"

This will break under a lot of conditions, including funky filenames and is impossible to quote right. Your {} must always be a single completely separate argument to the command to avoid code injection bugs. What you need to do, is this:

xargs -I{} sh -c 'grep ABC "$1" > "$1.out"' -- {}

Applies to xargs as well as find.

By the way, never use xargs without the -0 option (unless for very rare and controlled one-time interactive use where you aren’t worried about destroying your data).

Also don’t parse ls. Ever. Use globbing or find instead:

Use find for everything that needs recursion and a simple loop with a glob for everything else:

find /foo -exec sh -c 'grep "$1" > "$1.out"' -- {} \;

or non-recursive:

for file in *; do grep "$file" > "$file.out"; done

Notice the proper use of quotes.

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