How to use Swift struct in Objective-C

Sad to say, you can not expose struct, nor global variables to Objective-C. see the documentation, which states in part:

Use Classes When You Need Objective-C Interoperability

If you use an Objective-C API that needs to process your data, or you need to fit your data model into an existing class hierarchy defined in an Objective-C framework, you might need to use classes and class inheritance to model your data. For example, many Objective-C frameworks expose classes that you are expected to subclass.

As of now, IMHO, the best way is something like this:

let ParseApplicationId = "xxx"
let ParseClientKey = "xxx"
let AppGreenColor = UIColor(red: 0.2, green: 0.7, blue: 0.3 alpha: 1.0)

@objc class Constant: NSObject {
    private init() {}

    class func parseApplicationId() -> String { return ParseApplicationId }
    class func parseClientKey() -> String { return ParseClientKey }
    class func appGreenColor() -> UIColor { return AppGreenColor }

In Objective-C, you can use them like this:

NSString *appklicationId = [Constant parseApplicationId];
NSString *clientKey = [Constant parseClientKey];
UIColor *greenColor = [Constant appGreenColor];

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