How to Using the #include in glsl support ARB_shading_language_include

The first thing you need to understand about shading_language_include is what it isn’t. It is not “I #include a file from the disk.” OpenGL doesn’t know what files are; it has no concept of the file system.

Instead, you must pre-load all of the files you might want to include. So you have a shader string and a filename that you loaded the string from. Essentially, you must build a virtual filesystem within OpenGL.

You use glNamedStringARB to upload a string to the virtual filesystem. The name of the string is its full pathname.

Once you’ve built your virtual filesystem, you must then, for each shader you compile, initialize the extension.

#version MY_OPENGL_VERSION //Whatever version you're using.
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_include : require

After the #extension statement, you may #include as you see fit.

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