how to write wrapper for ‘allocate’

This can be done via a generic interface block. You have to create procedures for each rank that you want to handle, e.g., memory_1d, memory_2d, … memory_4d. (Obviously a lot of cut & pasting.) Then you write a generic interface block that gives all of these procedures the alternative name memory as a generic procedure name. When you call memory, the compiler distinguishes which memory_Xd should be called based on the rank of the argument. The same for your freem functions.

This is how intrinsic functions such as sin have long worked — you can call sin with a real arguments of various previsions, or with a complex argument, and the compiler figures out with actual sin function to call. In really old FORTRAN you had to use different names for the different sin functions. Now modern Fortran you can setup the same thing with your own routines.

Edit: adding a code example demonstrating the method & syntax:

module double_array_mod

   implicit none

   interface double_array
      module procedure double_vector
      module procedure double_array_2D
   end interface double_array

   private  ! hides items not listed on public statement 
   public :: double_array


   subroutine double_vector (vector)
      integer, dimension (:), intent (inout) :: vector
      vector = 2 * vector
   end subroutine double_vector

   subroutine double_array_2D (array)
      integer, dimension (:,:), intent (inout) :: array
      array = 2 * array
   end subroutine double_array_2D

end module double_array_mod

program demo_user_generic

   use double_array_mod

   implicit none

   integer, dimension (2) :: A = [1, 2]
   integer, dimension (2,2) :: B = reshape ( [11, 12, 13, 14], [2,2] )
   integer :: i

   write (*, '( / "vector before:", / 2(2X, I3) )' )  A
   call double_array (A)
   write (*, '( / "vector after:", / 2(2X, I3) )' )  A

   write (*, '( / "2D array before:" )' )
   do i=1, 2
      write (*, '( 2(2X, I3) )' )  B (i, :)
   end do
   call double_array (B)
   write (*, '( / "2D array after:" )' )
   do i=1, 2
      write (*, '( 2(2X, I3) )' )  B (i, :)
   end do   

end program demo_user_generic

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