HTML5 audio streaming: precisely measure latency?

Utilize timeupdate event of <audio> element, which is fired three to four times per second, to perform precise animations during streaming of media by checking .currentTime of <audio> element. Where animations or transitions can be started or stopped up to several times per second.

If available at browser, you can use fetch() to request audio resource, at .then() return response.body.getReader() which returns a ReadableStream of the resource; create a new MediaSource object, set <audio> or new Audio() .src to objectURL of the MediaSource; append first stream chunks at .read() chained .then() to sourceBuffer of MediaSource with .mode set to "sequence"; append remainder of chunks to sourceBuffer at sourceBuffer updateend events.

If fetch() response.body.getReader() is not available at browser, you can still use timeupdate or progress event of <audio> element to check .currentTime, start or stop animations or transitions at required second of streaming media playback.

Use canplay event of <audio> element to play media when stream has accumulated adequate buffers at MediaSource to proceed with playback.

You can use an object with properties set to numbers corresponding to .currentTime of <audio> where animation should occur, and values set to css property of element which should be animated to perform precise animations.

At javascript below, animations occur at every twenty second period, beginning at 0, and at every sixty seconds until the media playback has concluded.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">    
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
    body {
      width: 90vw;
      height: 90vh;
      background: #000;
      transition: background 1s;

    span {
      font-family: Georgia;
      font-size: 36px;
      opacity: 0;

  <audio controls></audio>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function() {
      var url = "/path/to/audio";
      // given 240 seconds total duration of audio 
      // 240/12 = 20
      // properties correspond to `<audio>` `.currentTime`,
      // values correspond to color to set at element
      var colors = {
        0: "red",
        20: "blue",
        40: "green",
        60: "yellow",
        80: "orange",
        100: "purple",
        120: "violet",
        140: "brown",
        160: "tan",
        180: "gold",
        200: "sienna",
        220: "skyblue"
      var body = document.querySelector("body");
      var mediaSource = new MediaSource;
      var audio = document.querySelector("audio");
      var span = document.querySelector("span");
      var color = window.getComputedStyle(body)
      //console.log(mediaSource.readyState); // closed
      var mimecodec = "audio/mpeg";

      audio.oncanplay = function() {;

      audio.ontimeupdate = function() {         
        // 240/12 = 20
        var curr = Math.round(this.currentTime);

        if (colors.hasOwnProperty(curr)) {
          // set `color` to `colors[curr]`
          color = colors[curr]
        // animate `<span>` every 60 seconds
        if (curr % 60 === 0 && span.innerHTML === "") {
          var t = curr / 60;
          span.innerHTML = t + " minute" + (t === 1 ? "" : "s") 
                           + " of " + Math.round(this.duration) / 60 
                          + " minutes of audio";
              opacity: 0
            }, {
              opacity: 1
            }, {
              opacity: 0
            }], {
              duration: 2500,
              iterations: 1
            .onfinish = function() {
              span.innerHTML = ""
        // change `background-color` of `body` every 20 seconds = color;
        console.log("current time:", curr
                   , "current background color:", color
                  , "duration:", this.duration);
      // set `<audio>` `.src` to `mediaSource`
      audio.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
      mediaSource.addEventListener("sourceopen", sourceOpen);

      function sourceOpen(event) {
        // if the media type is supported by `mediaSource`
        // fetch resource, begin stream read, 
        // append stream to `sourceBuffer`
        if (MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mimecodec)) {
          var sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(mimecodec);
          // set `sourceBuffer` `.mode` to `"sequence"`
          sourceBuffer.mode = "sequence";

          // return `ReadableStream` of `response`
          .then(response => response.body.getReader())
          .then(reader => {

            var processStream = (data) => {
              if (data.done) {
              // append chunk of stream to `sourceBuffer`
            // at `sourceBuffer` `updateend` call ``,
            // to read next chunk of stream, append chunk to 
            // `sourceBuffer`
            sourceBuffer.addEventListener("updateend", function() {
            // start processing stream
            // do stuff `reader` is closed, 
            // read of stream is complete
            return reader.closed.then(() => {
              // signal end of stream to `mediaSource`
              return  mediaSource.readyState;
          // do stuff when `reader.closed`, `mediaSource` stream ended
          .then(msg => console.log(msg))
        // if `mimecodec` is not supported by `MediaSource`  
        else {
          alert(mimecodec + " not supported");


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