HTML5 Canvas getImageData and Same Origin Policy

Amazon recently announced CORS support

We’re delighted to announce support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Amazon S3. You can now easily build web applications that use JavaScript and HTML5 to interact with resources in Amazon S3, enabling you to implement HTML5 drag and drop uploads to Amazon S3, show upload progress, or update content. Until now, you needed to run a custom proxy server between your web application and Amazon S3 to support these capabilities.

How to enable CORS

To configure your bucket to allow cross-origin requests, you create a CORS configuration, an XML document with rules that identify the origins that you will allow to access your bucket, the operations (HTTP methods) will support for each origin, and other operation-specific information. You can add up to 100 rules to the configuration. You add the XML document as the cors subresource to the bucket.

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