HTML5 localStorage security

Bad idea.

  1. Someone with access to the machine will always be able to read the localStorage, there is nothing much you can do to prevent it. Just type ‘localStorage’ in firebug console, and you get all the key/value pairs nicely listed.
  2. If you have an XSS vulnerability in your application, anything stored in localStorage is available to an attacker.
  3. You can try and encrypting it, but there is a catch. Encrypting it on the client is possible, but would mean the user has to provide a password and you have to depend on not-so-well-tested javascript implementations of cryptography.
  4. Encrypting on the server side is of course possible, but then the client code cannot read or update it, and so you have reduced localStorage to a glorified cookie.

If it needs to be secure, its best to not send it to the client. What is not in your control can never be secure.

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