htmlspecialchars vs htmlentities when concerned with XSS

htmlspecialchars() will NOT protect you against UTF-7 XSS exploits, that still plague Internet Explorer, even in IE 9:

For instance:

$_GET['password'] = 'asdf&ddddd"fancy˝quotes˝';

echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['password'], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
// Output: asdf&amp;ddddd&quot;fancyË

echo htmlentities($_GET['password'], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
// Output: asdf&amp;ddddd&quot;fancy&Euml;quotes

You should always use htmlentities and very rarely use htmlspecialchars when sanitizing user input. ALso, you should always strip tags before. And for really important and secure sites, you should NEVER trust strip_tags(). Use HTMLPurifier for PHP.

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