i Want the following conversion for the table

A solution to your problem would be to query your database table to get all records using the method of your choice.

Once queried, you can delete all records.

Run a loop on all records and use the string.Split(',') method on the PHYSICIAN_ID field to get a string[] containing all physician IDs for that record.

Once obtained, you can run an insert statement for each physician ID in each record to insert all the records as required.

Here’s an example of what I mean in terms of C# code (documented by comments):

var table = new DataTable(); // Create table for storing query results

var connection = new SqlConnection("connectionString"); // Declare connection to server
connection.Open(); // Attempt to connect to specified server

var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table", connection); // Declare query for server
var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); // Declare a data adapter for the query
adapter.Fill(table); // Execute the query

var deleteCommand = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM Table", connection); // Declare delete statement
deleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Execute delete statement

var strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // StringBuilder for creating SQL statements
foreach (DataRow record in table.Rows) // For every row in the table
    string[] physicians = record["PHYSICIAN_ID"].ToString().Split(','); // Turn the CSV format into a string[]
    foreach (string physician in physicians) // For all physicians for that patient
        strBuilder.Append("INSERT INTO Table (PATIENT_ID, PHYSICIAN_ID) VALUES ("
            + record["PATIENT_ID"].ToString() + ", " + physician + ");");
        // Append the StringBuilder with a statement to insert the new record
        // for every physician as applicable

var insertCommand = new SqlCommand(strBuilder.ToString(), connection); // Create insert statements from the StringBuilder
insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Execute insert statements

connection.Close(); // Close connection to the server

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