Identify if list has consecutive elements that are equal

You can use itertools.groupby() and a generator expression within any()

>>> from itertools import groupby
>>> any(sum(1 for _ in g) > 1 for _, g in groupby(lst))

Or as a more Pythonic way you can use zip(), in order to check if at least there are two equal consecutive items in your list:

>>> any(i==j for i,j in zip(lst, lst[1:])) # In python-2.x,in order to avoid creating a 'list' of all pairs instead of an iterator use itertools.izip()

Note: The first approach is good when you want to check if there are more than 2 consecutive equal items, otherwise, in this case the second one takes the cake!

* Using sum(1 for _ in g) instead of len(list(g)) is very optimized in terms of memory use (not reading the whole list in memory at once) but the latter is slightly faster.

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