importing izip from itertools module gives NameError in Python 3.x

In Python 3 the built-in zip does the same job as itertools.izip in 2.X(returns an iterator instead of a list). The zip implementation is almost completely copy-pasted from the old izip, just with a few names changed and pickle support added.

Here is a benchmark between zip in Python 2 and 3 and izip in Python 2:

Python 2.7:

from timeit import timeit

print(timeit('list(izip(xrange(100), xrange(100)))',
             'from itertools import izip',

print(timeit('zip(xrange(100), xrange(100))', number=500000))



Python 3:

from timeit import timeit

print(timeit('list(zip(range(100), range(100)))', number=500000))



In this case since zip‘s arguments must support iteration you can not use 2 as its argument. So if you want to write 2 variable as a CSV row you can put them in a tuple or list:


Also from itertools you can import zip_longest as a more flexible function which you can use it on iterators with different size.

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