Indicating the statistically significant difference in bar graph

The answer above inspired me to write a small but flexible function myself:

def barplot_annotate_brackets(num1, num2, data, center, height, yerr=None, dh=.05, barh=.05, fs=None, maxasterix=None):
    Annotate barplot with p-values.

    :param num1: number of left bar to put bracket over
    :param num2: number of right bar to put bracket over
    :param data: string to write or number for generating asterixes
    :param center: centers of all bars (like input)
    :param height: heights of all bars (like input)
    :param yerr: yerrs of all bars (like input)
    :param dh: height offset over bar / bar + yerr in axes coordinates (0 to 1)
    :param barh: bar height in axes coordinates (0 to 1)
    :param fs: font size
    :param maxasterix: maximum number of asterixes to write (for very small p-values)

    if type(data) is str:
        text = data
        # * is p < 0.05
        # ** is p < 0.005
        # *** is p < 0.0005
        # etc.
        p = .05

        while data < p:
            text += '*'
            p /= 10.

            if maxasterix and len(text) == maxasterix:

        if len(text) == 0:
            text="n. s."

    lx, ly = center[num1], height[num1]
    rx, ry = center[num2], height[num2]

    if yerr:
        ly += yerr[num1]
        ry += yerr[num2]

    ax_y0, ax_y1 = plt.gca().get_ylim()
    dh *= (ax_y1 - ax_y0)
    barh *= (ax_y1 - ax_y0)

    y = max(ly, ry) + dh

    barx = [lx, lx, rx, rx]
    bary = [y, y+barh, y+barh, y]
    mid = ((lx+rx)/2, y+barh)

    plt.plot(barx, bary, c="black")

    kwargs = dict(ha="center", va="bottom")
    if fs is not None:
        kwargs['fontsize'] = fs

    plt.text(*mid, text, **kwargs)

which allows me to get some nice annotations relatively simple, e.g.:

heights = [1.8, 2, 3]
bars = np.arange(len(heights))

plt.figure(), heights, align='center')
plt.ylim(0, 5)
barplot_annotate_brackets(0, 1, .1, bars, heights)
barplot_annotate_brackets(1, 2, .001, bars, heights)
barplot_annotate_brackets(0, 2, 'p < 0.0075', bars, heights, dh=.2)

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