Inject a service manually

You could solve this by using a service locator service. That will easily allow you to get any service and use it in your parent classes without having to inject them via their children (as this can be a pain).

So to use this, create a simple class locator.service.ts:

import {Injector} from "@angular/core";

export class ServiceLocator {
    static injector: Injector;

Import this service in your app.module.ts:

import {ServiceLocator} from './locator.service';

Then in the constructor of your module file (app.module.ts?), init this thing so you can use it anywhere:

export class AppModule {
    constructor(private injector: Injector){    // Create global Service Injector.
        ServiceLocator.injector = this.injector;

Now, to use it in your super class (your BaseComponent), simply import the ServiceLocator

import {ServiceLocator} from './locator.service';

and use it like:

export class BaseComponent {
    public loader;
    constructor() {
        this.loader = ServiceLocator.injector.get(LoadingService)

    showLoading() {;

Now you have injected your service in an extendable parent and it’s usable in your child components without having to pass it in the super().

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