INSERT INTO or UPDATE with two conditions

that is what insert on duplicate key update is for.

The Manual page for it is here.

The trick is that the table needs to have a unique key (can be a composite) so that the clash of doing an insert can be detected. As such, the update to occur on that row, otherwise an insert. It can be a primary key, of course.

In your case, you could have a composite key such as

unique key(theName,theDate)

If the row is already there, the clash is detected, and the update happens.

Here is a complete example

create table myThing
(   id int auto_increment primary key,
    name int not null,
    values1 int not null,
    values2 int not null,
    dates date not null,
    unique key(name,dates) -- <---- this line here is darn important

insert myThing(name,values1,values2,dates) values (777,1,1,'2015-07-11') on duplicate key update values2=values2+1;
insert myThing(name,values1,values2,dates) values (778,1,1,'2015-07-11') on duplicate key update values2=values2+1;
-- do the 1st one a few more times:
insert myThing(name,values1,values2,dates) values (777,1,1,'2015-07-11') on duplicate key update values2=values2+1;
insert myThing(name,values1,values2,dates) values (777,1,1,'2015-07-11') on duplicate key update values2=values2+1;
insert myThing(name,values1,values2,dates) values (777,1,1,'2015-07-11') on duplicate key update values2=values2+1;

show results

select * from myThing;
| id | name | values1 | values2 | dates      |
|  1 |  777 |       1 |       4 | 2015-07-11 |
|  2 |  778 |       1 |       1 | 2015-07-11 |

As expected, insert on duplicate key update works, just 2 rows.

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