Install FFMPEG on XAMPP’s method worked, but some things need to be clarified.


  1. unzip
  2. copy ffmpeg.exe somewhere and remember the path for later use
  3. move php_ffmpeg.dll to php extension dir (usually c:\xampp\php\ext)
  4. move all other files to Windows\System32 (except COPYING.GPLv3.txt, readme.txt)
  5. add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini (usually c:\xampp\php\php.ini)
  6. restart apache with fingers crossed
  7. questions/answers

If you are using windows 64bit, you will also need to to copy all of those dll files to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 along with C:\Windows\System32.

You will probably have problems with toGdImage(), I have no idea how to fix this…

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