To get past INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error with Google Maps for Android:

  1. Install Google map APIs. This can be done in Eclipse Windows/Android SDK and AVD Manager -> Available Packages -> Third Party Add-ons -> Google Inc. -> Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API X

  2. From command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing
    targets (android list targets), then android create avd -n
    new_avd_api_233 -t “Google Inc.:Google APIs:X”

  3. Then create AVD (Android Virtual Device) in Eclipse Windows/Android
    SDK and AVD Manager -> New… -> (Name: new_avd_X, Target: Google
    APIs (Google Inc.) – API Level X)

    IMPORTANT : You must create your AVD with Target as Google APIs (Google Inc.) otherwise it will again failed.

  4. Create Android Project in Eclipse File/New/Android Project and
    select Google APIs Build Target.

  5. add <uses-library android:name=”” />
    between <application> </application> tags.

  6. Run Project as Android Application.

If error persists, then you still have problems, if it works, then this error is forever behind you.

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