Installing lxml, libxml2, libxslt on Windows 8.1

I was able to fix the installation with the following steps. I hope others find this helpful.

My installation of “pip” was working fine before the problem. I went to the Windows command line and made sure that “wheel” was installed.

C:\Python34>python -m pip install wheel
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): wheel in c:\python34\lib\site-packages

After that I downloaded the lxml file from and placed it in my python directory “C:\Python34”

In that directory I ran the following:

C:\Python34>python -m pip install lxml-3.4.4-cp34-none-win32.whl

The results were:

Processing c:\python34\lxml-3.4.4-cp34-none-win32.whl
Installing collected packages: lxml
Successfully installed lxml-3.4.4

I opened PyCharm and lxml module was available. I was able to execute the code without problem.

What I learned (though this may be corrected by others more knowledgeable)

  1. Need to install the desired module (as a “*.whl” file) using pip and wheel.
  2. Using Dropbox to share a code folder with different PyCharm installations causes confusion for the “workspace.xml” file. The two computers kept writing over each other, messing up the installation paths.

Hope this helps.

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