Invoking PowerShell Script with Arguments from C#

Just found it in one of the comments to another question

In order to pass arguments to the $args pass null as the parameter name, e.g. command.Parameters.Add(null, "some value");

The script is called as:
.\MergeDocuments.ps1 "1.docx" "2.docx" "merge.docx"

Here is the full code:

class OpenXmlPowerTools
    static string SCRIPT_PATH = @"..\MergeDocuments.ps1";

    public static void UsingPowerShell(string[] filesToMerge, string outputFilename)
        // create Powershell runspace
        Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace();

        RunspaceInvoke runSpaceInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runspace);
        runSpaceInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted");

        // create a pipeline and feed it the script text
        Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline();
        Command command = new Command(SCRIPT_PATH);
        foreach (var file in filesToMerge)
            command.Parameters.Add(null, file);
        command.Parameters.Add(null, outputFilename);


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