Is it possible to draw a boxplot given the percentile values instead of the original inputs?

As of 2020, there is a better method than the one in the accepted answer.

The matplotlib.axes.Axes class provides a bxp method, which can be used to draw the boxes and whiskers based on the percentile values. Raw data is only needed for the outliers, and that is optional.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
boxes = [
        'label' : "Male height",
        'whislo': 162.6,    # Bottom whisker position
        'q1'    : 170.2,    # First quartile (25th percentile)
        'med'   : 175.7,    # Median         (50th percentile)
        'q3'    : 180.4,    # Third quartile (75th percentile)
        'whishi': 187.8,    # Top whisker position
        'fliers': []        # Outliers
ax.bxp(boxes, showfliers=False)

This produces the following image: example boxplot

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