Is it true that using INNER JOIN after any OUTER JOIN will essentially invalidate the effects of OUTER JOIN?

A subsequent inner join will only “essentially invalidate” an outer join if the inner join’s ON clause requires should-be-optional rows to be present. In such a case, reordering the join either won’t work or won’t help; rather, the only fix is to change the inner join to an appropriate outer join.

So, for example, this works fine:

    SELECT *
      FROM person
 LEFT JOIN address
        ON person.address_id =
        ON person.email_id =

and is equivalent to what you’d get if you moved the left outer join (lines 3–4) after the inner join (lines 5–6); whereas this does not work as intended:

    SELECT *
      FROM person
 LEFT JOIN address
        ON person.address_id =
        ON address.city_id =

because the second ON clause can only be satisfied when address.city_id is non-null. (In this case the right fix is to change the inner join to a left outer join.)

That said, I do agree with Gordon Linoff that it’s usually best to put your inner joins before your left outer joins; this is because inner joins tend to indicate more “essential” restrictions, so this ordering is usually more readable. (And I agree with both Gordon Linoff and Shawn that right outer joins are usually better avoided.)

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