Is make_shared really more efficient than new?

As infrastructure I was using llvm/clang 3.0 along with the llvm std c++ library within XCode4.

Well that appears to be your problem. The C++11 standard states the following requirements for make_shared<T> (and allocate_shared<T>), in section

Requires: The expression ::new (pv) T(std::forward(args)…), where pv has type void* and points to storage suitable to hold an object of type T, shall be well formed. A shall be an allocator ( The copy constructor and destructor of A shall not throw exceptions.

T is not required to be copy-constructable. Indeed, T isn’t even required to be non-placement-new constructable. It is only required to be constructable in-place. This means that the only thing that make_shared<T> can do with T is new it in-place.

So the results you get are not consistent with the standard. LLVM’s libc++ is broken in this regard. File a bug report.

For reference, here’s what happened when I took your code into VC2010:

Create smart_ptr using make_shared...
Constructor make_shared
Create smart_ptr using make_shared: done.
Create smart_ptr using new...
Constructor new
Create smart_ptr using new: done.

I also ported it to Boost’s original shared_ptr and make_shared, and I got the same thing as VC2010.

I’d suggest filing a bug report, as libc++’s behavior is broken.

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