Is the time-complexity of iterative string append actually O(n^2), or O(n)?

In CPython, the standard implementation of Python, there’s an implementation detail that makes this usually O(n), implemented in the code the bytecode evaluation loop calls for + or += with two string operands. If Python detects that the left argument has no other references, it calls realloc to attempt to avoid a copy by resizing the string in place. This is not something you should ever rely on, because it’s an implementation detail and because if realloc ends up needing to move the string frequently, performance degrades to O(n^2) anyway.

Without the weird implementation detail, the algorithm is O(n^2) due to the quadratic amount of copying involved. Code like this would only make sense in a language with mutable strings, like C++, and even in C++ you’d want to use +=.

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