Is there a better way than parsing /proc/self/maps to figure out memory protection?

I do not know an equivalent of VirtualQuery on Linux. But some other ways to do it which may or may not work are:

  • you setup a signal handler trapping SIGBUS/SIGSEGV and go ahead with your read or write. If the memory is protected, your signal trapping code will be called. If not your signal trapping code is not called. Either way you win.

  • you could track each time you call mprotect and build a corresponding data structure which helps you in knowing if a region is read or write protected. This is good if you have access to all the code which uses mprotect.

  • you can monitor all the mprotect calls in your process by linking your code with a library redefining the function mprotect. You can then build the necessary data structure for knowing if a region is read or write protected and then call the system mprotect for really setting the protection.

  • you may try to use /dev/inotify and monitor the file /proc/self/maps for any change. I guess this one does not work, but should be worth the try.

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