Is there a listener for when the WebView displays it’s content?

I successfully used Richard’s answer with a PictureListener for a few years, but I no longer recommend this as the best solution.

This is for two reasons:

  1. webView.setPictureListener and PictureListener are both deprecated.
  2. Using this listener will cause the WebView to allocate a new Picture often. This allocation is expensive and this can have some significant performance impacts or even cause native crashes on JellyBean MR1.

Instead I recommend creating a subclass of WebView and overriding invalidate() like so:

public void invalidate() {

    if (getContentHeight() > 0) {
        // WebView has displayed some content and is scrollable.

If you still want to use the PictureListener method, you will get better performance if you setPictureListener back to null after you are done with it.

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