Javascript: Creating Functions in a For Loop

The second method is a little clearer if you use a parameter name that does not mask the loop variable name:

funArr[funArr.length] = (function(val) { return function(){  return val; }})(i);

The problem with your current code is that each function is a closure and they all reference the same variable i. When each function is run, it returns the value of i at the time the function is run (which will be one more than the limit value for the loop).

A clearer way would be to write a separate function that returns the closure that you want:

var numArr = [];
var funArr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
    numArr[numArr.length] = i;
    funArr[funArr.length] = getFun(i);

function getFun(val) {
    return function() { return val; };

Note that this is doing basically the same thing as the first line of code in my answer: calling a function that returns a function and passing the value of i as a parameter. It’s main advantage is clarity.

EDIT: Now that EcmaScript 6 is supported almost everywhere (sorry, IE users), you can get by with a simpler approach—use the let keyword instead of var for the loop variable:

var numArr = [];
var funArr = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
    numArr[numArr.length] = i;
    funArr[funArr.length] = function(){  return i; };

With that little change, each funArr element is a closure bound do a different i object on each loop iteration. For more info on let, see this Mozilla Hacks post from 2015. (If you’re targeting environments that don’t support let, stick with what I wrote earlier, or run this last through a transpiler before using.

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