JavaScript detect an AJAX event

Okay this is what I have come up with so far:

<script type="text/javascript">
var s_ajaxListener = new Object();
s_ajaxListener.tempOpen =;
s_ajaxListener.tempSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
s_ajaxListener.callback = function () {
  // this.method :the ajax method used
  // this.url    :the url of the requested script (including query string, if any) (urlencoded) 
  //   :the data sent, if any ex: foo=bar&a=b (urlencoded)
} = function(a,b) {
  if (!a) var a="";
  if (!b) var b='';
  s_ajaxListener.tempOpen.apply(this, arguments);
  s_ajaxListener.method = a;  
  s_ajaxListener.url = b;
  if (a.toLowerCase() == 'get') { = b.split('?'); =[1];

XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(a,b) {
  if (!a) var a="";
  if (!b) var b='';
  s_ajaxListener.tempSend.apply(this, arguments);
  if(s_ajaxListener.method.toLowerCase() == 'post') = a;


Just c/p this onto your page or include it in a .js file or whatever. This will create an object called s_ajaxListener. Whenever an AJAX GET or POST request is made, s_ajaxListener.callback() is called, and the following properties are available:

s_ajaxListener.method : The ajax method used. This should be either GET or POST. NOTE: the value may not always be uppercase, it depends on how the specific request was coded. I’m debating the wisdom of automatically upper-casing it or leaving it to something else to toLowerCase() for a case-insensitive comparison.

s_ajaxListener.url : The url of the requested script (including query string, if any) (urlencoded). I have noticed, depending on how the data is sent and from which browser/framework, for example this value could end up being as ” ” or “+” or “%20”. I am debating the wisdom of decoding it here or leave it to something else. : the data sent, if any ex: foo=bar&a=b (same ‘issue’ as .url with it being url-encoded)


As it stands, this is not IE6 compatible. this solution is not quite good enough for me, as I want it to be IE6 compatible. But since a lot of other people don’t care about IE6, I decided to post my solution in its current state, as it should work for you if you don’t care about IE6.

I have tested this in (as of this posted date): Current Safari, Current Chrome, Current FireFox, IE8, IE8 (IE7 Compatible). It doesn’t currently work with IE6 because IE6 uses an ActiveX object, while virtually everything else uses XMLHttpRequest.

Right now I don’t have any clue how to, well basically prototype/extend/overload (?) ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”). This is what I am currently researching…does anybody know offhand?

Under each of the browsers I tested above, this works with AJAX requests from a generic object, and also from the jquery and prototype frameworks. I know there are other frameworks out there, but IMO these 2 are the major ones. I might possibly QA MooTools, but other than that, I’m fine with only testing those.

If Anybody wants to contribute by testing and posting results about other browsers and/or frameworks, it would be appreciated 🙂

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