Jetpack Compose Text hyperlink some section of the text

For a complete answer you can use ClickableText which returns the position of text, and UriHandler to open URI in a browser.

val annotatedLinkString: AnnotatedString = buildAnnotatedString {

    val str = "Click this link to go to web site"
    val startIndex = str.indexOf("link")
    val endIndex = startIndex + 4
        style = SpanStyle(
            color = Color(0xff64B5F6),
            fontSize = 18.sp,
            textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline
        ), start = startIndex, end = endIndex

    // attach a string annotation that stores a URL to the text "link"
        tag = "URL",
        annotation = "",
        start = startIndex,
        end = endIndex


// UriHandler parse and opens URI inside AnnotatedString Item in Browse
val uriHandler = LocalUriHandler.current

// 🔥 Clickable text returns position of text that is clicked in onClick callback
    modifier = modifier
    text = annotatedLinkString,
    onClick = {
            .getStringAnnotations("URL", it, it)
            .firstOrNull()?.let { stringAnnotation ->

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