jqGrid: using multiple methods to filter data

I understand this requirement very good. In the close case I used checkboxes inside of jqGrid. The most advantage to having the information inside of jqGrid is not only the possibility of easy searching. If the data are outside of the grid you will be show the order details on the right pane only for selected row. So the user will have not so good overview of the data.

To be able to place many checkboxes in the table without permanent horizontal scrolling I rotated headers of the columns having “checkbox with the technique described in Vertical text inside table headers using a JavaScript-based SVG library. This rotation looks not perfect in IE, but in other browser it works perfect.

You can hold the data from the OrderStatus field in a hidden column and decode the bitmask to boolean which build checkboxes either on the client or on the server side.

Because use want to use multiplesearch:true I have to mention about a bug in jQuery.clone which follow to the bug in jqGrid multi-search in all versions of IE browsers. If you define more as one search filters only the first one will be used because the operation field of all other filters will be read as undefined. It’s a pity, but the bug is also not fixed in the jQuery 1.4.3 just published. To be able to use multiplesearch:true you can use workaround suggestion by Jiho Han on trirand.com forum.

All together you can see in the demo example which produce the grid

alt text

where you can search for multiple fields

alt text

The corresponding code:

var myData = [
    { orderID: "10", orderDate: "2010-09-18", shipmentDate: "2010-09-20", orderStatus: "2" },
    { orderID: "15", orderDate: "2010-09-20", shipmentDate: "2010-09-24", orderStatus: "3" },
    { orderID: "20", orderDate: "2010-10-16", shipmentDate: "2010-10-17", orderStatus: "1" }
// decode 'orderStatus' column and add additional boolean data based on the bitmap mask
for (var i=0, l=myData.length; i<l; i++) {
    var myRow = myData[i];
    var orderStatus = parseInt(myRow.orderStatus, 10);
    myRow.airPost = (orderStatus & 2) != 0? "1": "0";
    myRow.heavy = (orderStatus & 1) != 0? "1": "0";
var grid = jQuery('#list');
    data: myData,
    datatype: 'local',
    caption: 'Order Details',
    height: 'auto',
    gridview: true,
    rownumbers: true,
    viewrecords: true,
    pager: '#pager',
    rownumbers: true,
    colNames: ['Order ID', 'Order', 'Shipment', 'Air-Post', 'Heavy', 'RowVersion'],
    colModel: [
        { name: 'orderID', index: 'orderID', key:true, width: 120, sorttype: 'int' },
        { name: 'orderDate', index: 'orderDate', width: 180,
          sorttype: 'date', formatter: 'date' },
        { name: 'shipmentDate', index: 'shipmentDate', width: 180,
          sorttype: 'date', formatter: 'date' },
        { name: 'airPost', width: 21, index: 'airPost', formatter: 'checkbox', align: 'center',
          editoptions: { value: "1:0" }, stype: 'select', searchoptions: { value: "1:Yes;0:No" } },
        { name: 'heavy', width: 21, index: 'heavy', formatter: 'checkbox', align: 'center',
          editoptions: { value: "1:0" }, stype: "select", searchoptions: { value: "1:Yes;0:No" } },
        { name: 'orderStatus', index: 'orderStatus', width: 50, hidden: true }
}).jqGrid ('navGrid', '#pager', { edit: false, add: false, del: false, refresh: true, view: false },
  .jqGrid ('navButtonAdd', '#pager', { caption: "", buttonicon: "ui-icon-calculator", title: "choose columns",
      onClickButton: function() {

where rotateCheckboxColumnHeaders and the bugfix in the advanced search defined so

// we use workaround from http://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=393/bugs/in-multiple-search-second-and-subsequent-ops-are-sent-as-undefined-in-ie6/
// to fix the bug in the jQuery.clone (see http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/6793 and
// dscussion on the http://api.jquery.com/clone/
jQuery.event.special.click = {
    setup: function() {
        if (jQuery(this).hasClass("ui-search")) {
            jQuery(this).bind("click", jQuery.event.special.click.handler);
        return false;
    teardown: function() {
        jQuery(this).unbind("click", jQuery.event.special.click.handler);
        return false;
    handler: function(event) {
        jQuery(".ui-searchFilter td.ops select").attr("name", "op");
var rotateCheckboxColumnHeaders = function (grid, headerHeight) {
    // we use grid as context (if one have more as one table on tnhe page)
    var trHead = jQuery("thead:first tr", grid.hdiv);
    var cm = grid.getGridParam("colModel");
    jQuery("thead:first tr th").height(headerHeight);
    headerHeight = jQuery("thead:first tr th").height();

    for (var iCol = 0; iCol < cm.length; iCol++) {
        var cmi = cm[iCol];
        if (cmi.formatter === 'checkbox') {
            // we must set width of column header div BEFOR adding class "rotate" to
            // prevent text cutting based on the current column width
            var headDiv = jQuery("th:eq(" + iCol + ") div", trHead);
            if (!jQuery.browser.msie) {
                if (jQuery.browser.mozilla) {
                    headDiv.css("left", (cmi.width - headerHeight) / 2 + 3).css("bottom", 7);
                else {
                    headDiv.css("left", (cmi.width - headerHeight) / 2);
            else {
                var ieVer = jQuery.browser.version.substr(0, 3);
                // Internet Explorer
                if (ieVer !== "6.0" && ieVer !== "7.0") {
                    jQuery("span", headDiv).css("left", 0);
                    headDiv.css("left", cmi.width / 2 - 4).css("bottom", headerHeight / 2);
                else {
                    headDiv.css("left", 3);

If you do prefer to hold the checkboxes outside of the grid you can do the decoding of the bit-mask OrderStatus inside of onSelectRow event handler.

UPDATED: I really something misunderstood your requirements at the beginning. Look at the modified example. Now it looks like
alt text

and it is more close to what you need.

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