Jquery: change event to input file on IE

I know this is several months late, but I just ran into the exact same behavior in IE7; in all other browsers, the change event for file inputs happens after file selection. In IE7, it happens only if you trigger the file select again, or on blur.

Here’s how I ended up fixing it:

var $input = $('#your-file-input-element');

var someFunction = function()
    // what you actually want to do

if ($.browser.msie)
    // IE suspends timeouts until after the file dialog closes
            if($input.val().length > 0) {
        }, 0);
    // All other browsers behave

Technically you could/should filter the hack condition to just IE7, since IE8 behaves properly on the change event, but it also has the same behavior as IE7 on suspending timeouts while browser-related chrome is visible (I guess it considers it blocking I/O), so it works as-is.

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