Json deserialization into other class hierarchy using Jackson

For this purpose you need to pass additional info in JSON:

      include=JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property="@type")
class Base {

Then on serialization it will add @type field:

            new NamedType(ConcreteAAdapter.class, "ConcreteA"),
            new NamedType(ConcreteBAdapter.class, "ConcreteB"),
            new NamedType(ConcreteCAdapter.class, "ConcreteC")

// note, that for lists you need to pass TypeReference explicitly
objectMapper.writerWithType(new TypeReference<List<Base>>() {})

      "@type" : "ConcreteA",

on deserialization it will be:

            new NamedType(ConcreteA.class, "ConcreteA"),
            new NamedType(ConcreteB.class, "ConcreteB"),
            new NamedType(ConcreteC.class, "ConcreteC")

More info here

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