Django: passing JSON from view to template

If a frontend library needs a to parse JSON, you can use the json library to convert a python dict to a JSON valid string. Use the escapejs filter import json def foo(request): json_string = json.dumps(<time_series>) render(request, “foo.html”, {‘time_series_json_string’: json_string}) <script> var jsonObject = JSON.parse(‘{{ time_series_json_string | escapejs }}’); </script>

JQuery getJSON – ajax parseerror

The JSON string you have is an array with 1 object inside of it, so to access the object you have to access the array first. With a json.php that looks like this: [ { “iId”: “1”, “heading”: “Management Services”, “body”: “<h1>Program Overview</h1><h1>January 29, 2009</h1>” } ] I just tried this $.getJSON(“json.php”, function(json) { alert(json[0].body); … Read more

Pass a user defined object to ASP.NET Webmethod from jQuery, using JSON

I quickly set up this project and I was able to successfully call my web method, please adjust your code accordingly. Make sure your class property names are the same as the ones that you pass through JavaScript. Webservice public static Contact getContact(Contact cnt) { = “Abijeet Patro”; = “Blah Blah”; return cnt; … Read more

How can I get the JSON response of a POST request in a WebView?

You should override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method of WebViewClient @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, String url) { if(flag) { URL aURL = new URL(url); URLConnection conn = aURL.openConnection(); conn.connect(); InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); // read inputstream to get the json.. … … return true; } return false } @override public void onPageFinished (WebView view, String … Read more

Iterate through nested json object array

Since contains a list of products it would make more sense to define the property abc as an array. Like this: var myJSONObject = { “abc”: [ [ {“prod_ver” : “prod 1 ver 1”}, {“prod_ver” : “prod 1 ver 2”}, ], [ {“prod_ver” : “prod 2 ver 1”}, {“prod_ver” : “prod 2 ver 2”}, … Read more

How to read local json import in flutter?

You should look into loading assets in flutter. You can’t simply import an arbitrary file. Importing is for source code/libraries. You need to declare this file as an asset in your pubspec.yaml flutter: assets: – json_data.json Then in your code you can load this asset as a String: import ‘package:flutter/services.dart’ show rootBundle; Future<String> getJson() { … Read more

Grouping JSON by values

Assume , the JSON output is outJSON = [ { team: “TeamA”, name: “Ahmed”, field3:”val3″ }, { team: “TeamB”, name: “Ahmed”, field3:”val43″ }, { team: “TeamA”, name: “Ahmed”, field3:”val55″ }, ] Then see the groupBy function in the DEMO below: DEMO : outJSON = [{ team: “TeamA”, name: “Ahmed”, field3: “val3” }, { team: “TeamB”, … Read more