Lambda variable capture in loop – what happens here? [duplicate]

In this line

 listActions.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(i));

the variable i, is captured, or if you wish, created a pointer to the memory location of that variable. That means that every delegate got a pointer to that memory location. After this loop execution:

foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(1, 10))
    listActions.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(i));

for obvious reasons i is 10, so the memory content that all pointers present in Action(s) are pointing, becomes 10.

In other words, i is captured.

By the way, should note, that according to Eric Lippert, this “strange” behaviour would be resolved in C# 5.0.

So in the C# 5.0 your program would print as expected:



Can not find Eric Lippert’s post on subject, but here is another one:

Closure in a Loop Revisited

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