lateinit modifier is not allowed on primitive type properties in Kotlin

There are several ways to resolve this issue.

You can Initialise it with default value (e.i 0 or -1 or whatever) and then initialise it whenever your logic says.

Or tell compiler that count will be initialised later in this code by using Delegates.notNull check notNull.

var count: Int by Delegates.notNull<Int>()

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    // You can not call `` in onCreate()` function until `count` is initialised.
    // **initialise count** 

And if you need count value on demand (if not necessary to initialise in onCreate), you can use lazy function. Use this only if you have an intensive (Some calculation/Inflating a layout etc) task that you want to do on demand, Not to just assign a value.

var count:Int by lazy {
    // initialise

Now you can decide what to use.

I hope it helps.

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