ld linker question: the –whole-archive option

There are legitimate uses of --whole-archive when linking executable with static libraries. One example is building C++ code, where global instances “register” themselves in their constructors (warning: untested code):


typedef void (*handler)(const char *data);
void register_handler(const char *protocol, handler h);
handler get_handler(const char *protocol);

handlers.cc (part of libhandlers.a)

typedef map<const char*, handler> HandlerMap;
HandlerMap m;
void register_handler(const char *protocol, handler h) {
   m[protocol] = h;
handler get_handler(const char *protocol) {
   HandlerMap::iterator it = m.find(protocol);
   if (it == m.end()) return nullptr;
   return it->second;

http.cc (part of libhttp.a)

#include <handlers.h>
class HttpHandler {
    HttpHandler() { register_handler("http", &handle_http); }
    static void handle_http(const char *) { /* whatever */ }
HttpHandler h; // registers itself with main!


#include <handlers.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    for (int i = 1; i < argc-1; i+= 2) {
        handler h = get_handler(argv[i]);
        if (h != nullptr) h(argv[i+1]);

Note that there are no symbols in http.cc that main.cc needs. If you link this as

g++ main.cc -lhttp -lhandlers

you will not get an http handler linked into the main executable, and will not be able to call handle_http(). Contrast this with what happens when you link as:

g++ main.cc -Wl,--whole-archive -lhttp -Wl,--no-whole-archive -lhandlers

The same “self registration” style is also possible in plain-C, e.g. with the __attribute__((constructor)) GNU extension.

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